Hi everyone! :)) another blog post from me! LOL. XD :P
K.O.3an Guo!! yiee! *clapclap*
I've been dying to have a post regarding this one! Maybe the "last" (not sure yet!) installment of Zhong Ji series. It's after The X Family. BIG CHANGES IN THE DRAMA: Well.. we know that in the past Zhong Ji series, Fahrenheit played the main and big roles in each series. But here, they will only play minor and small appearances especially Aaron and Calvin. Although Jiro plays a certain character here in Silver Dimension... he's not always appearing in each episodes. And another thing... Xiu who's been a minor cast in the past series became one of the main character here! Yippiie! Cheers to all DCW and Xiu fans! Include me too coz I AM SO HAPPY about it! :) Also George Hu! he's the main lead role here!
presenting my favorite part in this blog! this is the part i am rooting for! although Fahrenheit is not the main lead here... the cast are worth watching and definitely you'll love them...! oe reason why Im watching Ko3 is because its character are all-new! even though some... have counterparts on the Iron Dimension and Gold Dimension. HAVE FUN! ♥

Actor: George Hu
Yey! Guan Yu!! :)) He's one of the Wu Hu Jiang and the 2nd sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. He actually likes Diao Chan here and when he's embarassed or angry his face turns into red. :P
I personally like George Hu coz I've seen him in many dramas like RP, Hot Shot and ToGetHer. But seeing him here in Ko3 makes me fall harder into him!! He's hot here (he's always hot actually! hehe...) and cute! He's very righteous and honest. When he sees Diao Chan he's very cuuuute and Diao Chan and him makes a perfect couple! That's one of the reason why I watched Ko3. I'm very sad also when he was heartbroken. :|
But seeing him in this drama makes you can't take off your head and eyes away from him!!!

Actor: Chen de Xiu from Dong Cheng Wei ♥
He's my favorite character in this series!!!! He's the main reason why I'm watching this series!!! Okay... later I'll talk about it. :P
XIU(Iron Dimension):
Hmm.. this is a quite tough explanation. :P Xiu from Iron Dimension travels on the Silver Dimension with Da Dong, Xiao Yu and Ya Se. He replaces his alternate-self Liu Bei and acted as Liu Bei in Silver Dimension just to retain the order in Silver Dimension. As he stay longer in Silver Dimension... he developed a strong friendship between Liu Bei's sworn brothers and Wu Hu Jiang and he falls for Ah Xiang.
You can say that he's very intelligent here because Silver Dimension's standard of education is very low. :P
LIU BEI(Silver Dimension):
Liu Bei comes from a royal family but he's blood type is O. Haha. :)) He's also the eldest sworn brother of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. He became a sworn brother just to use Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's powers to become the most powerful in Silver Dimension.
Right after Liu Bei finished his vow...a gigantic rock rolls down to him from the mountain which was caused by Da Dong's coin. They decided to bring Liu Bei in Gold Dimension to heal his wounds.
Time to make comments! hahahaha! :))) Im very well pleased that Xiu remains in the Silver Dimension to act as Liu Bei. I just can't imagine seeing Xiu being bad! Ko3's story starts here. I feel Xiu really plays a big and important role here. Im very happy to know that he's not playing a supporting role and he falls in love for REAL unlike in The X-Family where he kept his feelings for Han. I really really really love Xiu in the first place. When I saw him in The X-Family I'm very attracted to him already!
He makes my head spins and heart beats very fast while I'm watching every episode. That's why Im just super deeply rooted in this drama. For real! It's like my day is not complete if I don't see him nor watch this drama.

Actor: Lin Bo Yan
Zhang Fei is part of the Wu Hu Jiang and third/youngest sworn brothers of Guan Yu and Liu Bei. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are childhood friends. He's the only one knows the real identity of Xiu and the first one to meet Da Dong, Ya Se and Xiao Yu. Xiu always rely on Zhang Fei when it comes to making up stories or lies just to protect Xiu's real identity. :)
I love Zhang Fei's attitude and his sense of friendship to all Wu Hu Jiang especially his sworn brothers. He always say to Xiu that even his not the real Liu Bei, he will always be their oldest brother and nobody can change that fact. That makes so sweet of Zhang Fei. He's really funny when he's covering up lies for Xiu. He even said that the "Wu La Ba Ha" (which was the magic spell or command use in Iron Dimension to control their Yi Neng Powers) is a foul word(because Xiu used his Yi Neng in Silver Dimension to save Wu Hu Jiang). :P

Actor: Lee Shao Xiang
Ma Chao is one of Wu Hu Jiang. Her mother is the author of the famous book "Harry Potter and the Kung Fu Prince" (even the Harry Potter book have its parody! Haha!). Well, you can say that Ma Chao came from a good family. :)) Ma Chao have a best friend, he's one of the Wu Hu Jiang too. :P Later you'll know who he is! Hahaha!!
My personal comments about him: I LOVE MA CHAO!!! He's cute and funny! He also have the looks! If I will choose who's my favorite in Wu Hu Jiang (exclude for George Hu coz he's close to my heart! :D), he's my favorite! I started loving him in episode 2 when the Wu Hu Jiang is finally complete and they have to enter the 8 Doors Golden Lock Formation and there's a part there that Ma Chao and Zhang Fei have to sing a rap about Ma Chao's mom to pass that stage. I saw Ma Chao's funny side and cute side! :P Because when he first appeared in Ko3, he looks so serious and arrogant.
To cut it short... I LOVE Ma Chao because he's funny and cute! Ma Chao all the way!!!

Actor: Luo Hong Zheng
Huang Zhong is part pf the Wu Hu Jiang and He's the best friend of Ma Chao (there you go! I told you I'm going to mention it!). He doesn't have a family so he consider Ma Chao as his family. But after he met and become a Wu Hu Jiang member, he gained a lot of friends and he considered themselves as a family! Actually you can feel that bond and family ties when you are watching Ko3. You can feel that inside and outside the camera, they really have a friendship going. :P I like Huang Zhong too. Even thoughin KO3 he's not that really a talkative person, but he's funny too! and he's hot!!! His posture is HOT! The way he stand, the way he moves, the way he dressed up... everything!!! :))

Actor: Benji
Zhao Yn is part of the Wu Hu Jiang too. And he's very strong too. The thing for him is that every girls who looks in his eyes fall in love with him so badly and after Zhao Yun remove his eyes from the eyes of the girls, the girls heart is like broken-hearted. :) If you'll think about it, that was super exaggerating. Haha! But that's really funny too. He's not that funny but he;s HOT too! Especially when he removed the black thingee on his head, he's definitely hot! Even though I dont feel him that much (coz you know I'm rooting for a funny and cute guy... :P) he's cute and hot especially when he's blushing because of Xiao Qiao.

Actor: Nylon Chen
Cap Cao is the President of the Student Body in East Han Academy. and he's acting like the leader of Wu Hu Jiang. Well.. Xiu said he's going to be bad later on... I still don't know yet. But maybe he's going to be a villain here. He also like Xiao Qiao. :))

Actress: Kirsten/Kimi Ren
First of all... SHE'S SELINA's YOUNGER SISTER. That's true. It's clarified. So don't be shocked anymore. :P Diao Chan is cute! and the fact that she's Selina's sister... I loved her right away! Coz you know I love S.H.E too! I love her and Guan Yu! :)

Actress: Cai Yi Zhen/Wu Xiong
3 boys fall in love with her.. can you believe it? Haha! Yeah... 3 boys are in love with her. ;P Cao Can and Zhao Yun to name some... :) She's the bestfriend of Diao Chan. Well... she have a crush on Zhao Yun too. :)) She's funny here too. She is often called "Crow's Mouth" because whenever she says something bad it always happens.

Actress: Pets Ceng
Yay! Ah Xiang!! To tell you honestly.. before... I really hate Pets Ceng! I can't accept that he is Xiu's love interest in the drama! Coz I'm Xiu-Han fan. and I think Pets Ceng was so ugly before. But when I started watching KO3.... I LOVE HER NOW!!! I love Xiu and Ah Xiang couple! But still... Im a Xiu-Han fan! I really like her voice and she's very intelligent here too. Love her voice when she sings! To wrap it up... I LOVE AH XIANG! ♥
So that's it! :)) If you want to watch Ko3an Guo, here's the link:
Episode 1-32:
Episode 33-38:
Episode 39- present:
****DISCLAIMER: I can't find a site that subs up-to-current episode for Ko3 and subs all the previous episodes. But if you know a site that subs KO3.. PLEASE TELL ME! coz I want it. I can't understand Chinese. :)) Thanks!
Episode 1-11:
CREDITS TO: dolphinsr4eva
I wish you enjoyed my blog post! Until next time! :) ♥